Before the boys my mother-in-law teased me because I wouldn't/didn't use a calendar. Now I can't tell you how much has to be moved around and juggled just to get in all of our appointments, etc. Our calendar is a complicated thing.
A Typical 2 weeks of Calendar:
Wed 7/6: Sarah to Lurray Caverns w/ Grandparents & Birthday Party Boys (4:30)
Thur 7/7: E works 7-5:30, kids at Grandparents
Fri 7/8: boys annual checkup at Pediatrician 8:30-9:30am, E works 9:30-5:30
Sat 7/9: E works 3 hours make-up, Andrew has kids
Sun 7/10: Sarah church with grandparents
Mon 7/11: OT Noah @ 11:00, Speech both @ 1:30-2:30pm- serv coordinator coming to appt
Tues 7/12: PT both @ 11:00 am, Sarah has C over for the day
Wed 7/13: E works 7-5:30, kids at Grandparents
Thur 7/14: Playdate w/ W twins
Fri 7/15: E works 7-5:30, kids w/ Andrew, Sarah has C over for the day, E haircut @ 1pm
Sat 7/16: G girls' birthday party (family)
Sun 7/17: BB arrives
Mon 7/18: Endoscopy Benjamin, BB Here, E- RAMOM VP meeting 7pm
Tue 7/19: PT both @ 11:00 am, Sarah has C over for the day, E- RAMOM meeting 7pm
Included, but not on the calendar are all of the other things that have to get done on a daily/weekly/monthly basis... cleaning, baths, cooking meals, grocery shopping, ordering supplies, etc. Even if I had several days in a row with nothing on the calendar those things would all have to fill in. I am not pretending for an instant that we are that much busier than most people, but it just blows my mind that I can't seem to figure out how to have a SINGLE quiet and unplanned day. It happens occasionally, just often enough for us to keep our sanity. Some people like to stay busy and on the go. We aren't like that. We both like our down time and that is what we are lacking. I'm not sure which day is typical, but next post I'll give you my ideal day and then maybe we'll pick next Monday and I'll do an actual day.
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